Frances Shiflett and Bland Ballard of Albemarle Co., VA
Compiled by Chester R. Johnson d. 2001
Bland Ballard b. 1722-30, son of Thomas Ballard and his first wife Sarah. Ref. Intrepid Ballards, 3rd Edition, 1995, by Miriam K. Ballard-Pringle.
The birth date of Bland is thought to be between 1722 when his father Thomas is listed in an Essex County Court record with his wife Sarah, and 1730, with the approximate b. date of his first child being 1752. This is a reasonable date. He probably was b. in Essex Co. His father Thomas was said in a 1738 land purchase to be "of Caroline Co." Nothing is known of his early life prior to Nov. 1771 when the following record was made. On 14 Nov 1771, he was ordered to help in the processioning of some lands in Fredericksville Parish of Albemarle Co.,
VA, with John Ballard and Robert Michie.
In 1777 he is named as a reader at the Upper Church. For this service he was paid 1040 pounds of tobacco. He is on a list of clerks or readers.
He is listed in the 1779 will of his father, Thomas Ballard. He and his father
Thomas were witnesses to the 1780 will of his uncle John. His first marriage about
1752 to an undetermined woman, was unknown, until research on the Shiflett family
revealed that Frances could not be the mother of all 15 of his children. She was
younger than most of his children. He m(2) probably in the early 1780s, Frances
Shiflett, a daughter of John Shiflett and his wife
Joice Powell. No marriage records are known for Albemarle Co. before the 1780s.
1786 was the year that Albemarle Co. took over the responsibility of recording
marriages from the parish churches. The parish system was disbanded in 1785. Bland's
son, Garland, was shown in the 1850 Census of Todd Co., KY, as born in 1786. Bland's
daughter, Peachy, was shown in the same census as b. 1787.
On 27 Sep 1793 John Shiflett and wife Joice gave to their daughter Frances Ballard and her daughter Martha 60 acres of land. In Apr 1795 an inventory of the estate of John Shiflett decd. included a bond on Bland Ballard for 5 pounds. On 5 Sep 1796 Joice Shiflett, Bland Ballard and Franky his wife and the other heirs of John Shiflett decd. sold some land to Phillip Seale.
He listed in his will the names of 15 children. There is a group of nine sons and daughters which he calls "beloved" but leaves them only $1.00 apiece. The others he leaves substantial property and money. This would not seem to be the way to treat "beloved" children UNLESS they were from an earlier marriage and he had provided for them before he married Frances Shiflett. There is another indication that they may be from an earlier marriage and that is, there is seemingly a gap of over 15 years between the birth dates of the groups of children. They are able to be grouped by their type of legacy, and then, when approximate b. dates are given to most, the gap of years appears.
Derby in Ballard-Ballord Bits, p. 208, said Bland died in Shelby Co., KY in 1809, but he confused this Bland with the family of Bland b. 1700 who did go to Shelby Co. I can find no record that this Bland ever left Albemarle Co. He made his will in Albemarle in June 1809 and it was filed for probate there in Nov. 1809.
14 Nov 1771 Fredericksville Parish Vestry Book, p. 98
Ordered that Robert Michie, Bland Ballard and John Ballard do procession the lands
between Buckmountain and Henry's Creek, the Road and the River
24 Mar 1777 Fredericksville Parish Vestry Book, p. 109
to Bland Ballard as reader at the upper church and Cask - 1040 pounds tobacco
in another list he is listed as a clerk or reader
27 Sep 1793 John Shiflett and Joyce his wife to Frances Ballard daughter to said John Joyce Shiflett and Martha Ballard said Frances daughter for love and affection and 5 shillings 60 acres
Wit: Thos Burton...................John x Shiflett
Deed Book 11, p. 141-3............mark
recorded Oct Court 1793
..................................................Joyce x Shiflett
1795 Inventory of estate of John Shiflett decd included 1 bond on Bland Ballard for 5 L
recorded in court 1795
Will Book 3, p. 251-3
1 Sep 1796 deed from Frances Shiflett, Bland Ballard and Franky his wife,
[and the other named heirs of John Shiflett decd] to Phillip Seale
recorded Sept. court 1796
Albemarle Co. Deed Book 12, p. 1
23 Dec 1796 Henry Carter and Wife Sarah to Bland Ballard all of Albemarle Co. 150 acres on Meadow Creek for 150 L, adjacient land of John Shiflet decd, Martin Hawking, Roland Horsley and Martin Mooney
Wit: Joseph Goodman, Thos Burton, Rowland Horsley
Albemarle Co. Deed Book 12, p. 190-1
6 Feb 1797 Henry Carter and Sarah his wife to Bland Ballard all of Albe. Co., 30 L for 35 Acres beginning at the back of John Shifetts decd, apple orchard
recorded Feb Court 1797
Albemarle Co. Deed Book 12, p. 186-7
5 Jun 1797 Bland Ballard and Frances his wife to Joseph Mills 200 acres for 200 L, recorded 5 Jun 1797
..................................................................................Bland Ballard
Albemarle Co. Deed Book 12, p. 234-5....................her
...............................................................................Frances x Ballard
2 Sep 1801 Joice Shiflett and Mary Cox deed to Claudius Buster --- adjacient to land of Bland Ballard on --
Albemarle Co. Deed Book 13, p. 524-5
1801-2 Albemarle County Road Order Book, p. 406
Bland Ballard, Thomas Pettit and others were appointed to view a road from Elizabeth Grady's to Elizabeth Bryan's and report
14 Jun 1803 Albemarle Co. Will Bk 4, p. 134
Appraisal of the estate of Susannah Phillips decd., by Mrs. Bland Ballard Roland Horsley and Joseph Goodman who were appointed by the court
signed Roland Horsley
...............Bland Ballard
..............Jos. Goodman
27 Oct 1807 We the undersigned heirs at law of John Shiflett decd assign all our right title and interest [in a tract of land] to Lewis Shiflett
Wit: -----................all heirs
.....................................................................................Garland Ballard
.....................................................................................Bland Ballard
Albemarle Co. Deed Book 16, p. 478-9............Frances Ballard
12 Mar 1808 Bland Ballard to Methodist Episcopal Church for good will and affection, an acre of land whereon the church has built a meeting house
Bland Ballard
Wit: Wm. Ballard
S. Newman
Garland Ballard
Albemarle Co. Deed Bk 16, p. 375-6
28 Jun 1809 date of will, recorded in Albemarle County Court 6 Nov 1809,
Will Book 5, p. 44-6
to my dearly beloved wife Frances Ballard, the land I now live on, being the lands that was deeded to me by her father, John Shiflett, about 60 acres, household furniture, stock, cattle, plantation tools of every kind, and the produce that is made on the place and the produce that is laid up for the support of my children to my daughter Jean Nailor, 37 acres, part of a 150 acre tract I purchased of Henry Carter, the remainder to be divided between my two sons and daughter Garland Ballard Bennett D. Ballard and Peachy Hoy to my beloved daughter Patsey Ballard the furniture and feather bed [after wifes deceased]
to my beloved children 1 dollar a peace
Nance Murry
Mary Ballard
Dice Howard
Lucy Maupin
Sarah Ballard
Annis Ray
William Ballard
John Ballard
Thomas Ballard
negro boy Charles to my beloved wife Frances Ballard for her use and benifit and my son Bennett D. Ballard
to my five daughters
Fanny Newcom................................( negro boy Charles to be sold and any money
Annis Ray.............................................over 50 L to go to my son Bennett D. Ballard)
Sarah Ballard
Patsy Ballard
Peachy Hoy
the balance of my estate to go to my son Garland Ballard
2 Jul 1810 Frances Ballard deed to Martin Mooney for 31 3/4 acres for 29 sh, 1 penny
Albemarle Co. Deed Book 17, p. 140-1
Children of Frances Shiflett and Bland Ballard:
- Jean Ballard b. before 1785 Albemarle Co., VA, m. Nov 1801 Albemarle Co.
Edward B. Nailer
- Garland Ballard b. c. 1786 Albemarle Co., d. bef. 18 Nov 1860 Todd Co., KY,
m. 10 May 1810 Albemarle Co., Susannah Phillips [my line]
- Peachey Ballard b. c. 1787 Albemarle Co., d. aft. 1860 Todd Co., KY, m. 24
Dec1806 Albemarle Co., William Hoy Sr. [my line also, Garland's son Warner m. Peachey's daughter Mary Ann Hoy]
- Martha Ballard b. bef. 27 Sep 1793 Albemarle Co., m. 13 Sep 1809
Albemarle Co., John Campbell
- Bennett D. Ballard b. 2 Oct 1802 Albemarle Co., d. 25 Oct 1858 Hopkins
Co., KY, m. 25 Dec 1822 Randolph Co., IL, Barbara Thornhill
See also Descendants Chart of John Shiflett for
additional information.
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This page is part of the Shiflet Family Genealogy Website and is maintained by:
Julia Crosswell / Fort Worth, TX / 1998 - 2006
Robert Klein / Pasadena, MD / 2008 - present