- Shiflet Main Page
- Copyright Notice
- Dedication
- About Our Name
- Frequently Asked Questions
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- Scheduled Reunions
- Shiflets Around the World
- What's New?
- Genforum SHIFFLETT board Place a Query / Read New Queries
- Special Submissions
- Civil War Letters of Hillory Shifflet submitted by Kate Forster
- The Olive Branch by Thomas Frazier submitted by Norm Addington
- From Whitehall to Bacon Hollow submitted by George Foss
- Diary of Thomas E. Shifflet of KY & IL submitted by Cheri Salz
- Our Photo Gallery
- Unidentified Family Photos
- The Boonesville house where Calvin Shiflett and others were executed.
- The Churches
- Hiden Shiflett Cemetery
- The Mooney / Shiflett House in Shiflett Hollow.
- Prize Hill Cemetery
- Four Generations of the Harrison Martin Shiflett Family.
- Shifletts in Ohio: Nathaniel and Solomon Shipley
- Shifletts in Ohio: Descendants of David Rowland Shiplett of OH
- Shifflet Reunion: 1919 McLean Co., IL
- The Shiflett Mill
- The Thomas and Patience Shifflett house in Greene County
- The cemetery on Thomas and Patience's Land
- Yancey, VA: St. Stephen's Mission 1911
- Debate and Opinion Page
- Shifflett, Roach, Herring Connections
- Pickett and Powell Shiflet: Sons of Stephen?
- Two John Shifletts?
- Family Charts
Please read About Our Family Charts before visiting these sections.
- Shiflet Family Charts
- Absalom Shiflett and Winney Herrin mid 1800's
- Anfield Shiflett m. Barbara Ann Frazier 1858
- Amanda Jane Shiflet m. Ira Howard Via 1872
- Benjamin F. Shiflet m. Sarah F. Gaines c.1873 GA
- Benjamin Franklin Shiplet m. Mary Ann Reed 1848
- Benson Shiflett m. Christina Shiflet 1828
- Bland and Vina Shiflett bef. 1770
- Calvin Shiflett and Winney Herrin mid 1800's
- Clyde Emmerson Shiflett m. Elsie Josephine Dettmar 1912 SD
- Darkey Shiflet, mother of Lucy Shiflet m. Robert Davis 1815
- David Shiflet m. Lucinda Dean 1837
- David R. Shiflett m. Eliza Ann Morris 1853
- Diannah Shiflett m. William T. Coleman 1854
- Edmond Shiflett m. Harriet McDaniel 1868
- Edward Shifflett m. Joice Herring 1811
- Elizabeth Shefflett m. Henry Linkous c. 1779
- Elizabeth Shiflett m. George Airey, Sr. 1808
- Elizabeth Shiflett and Calus Roach c. 1820
- Finch Shiflet m. Ann Taylor c. 1823 KY/TN
- Fountain Shiflett m. Rebecca Coyle 1822 KY
- Frances Shiflett m. Bland Ballard c. 1780
- Garland Shifflet m. Peachy Self 1819
- Hiram Harden Shifflett m. Elizabeth Shifflett c. 1832
- Hasten Shifflett m. Lydia F. Ann Shifflett 1845
- Hasten Tussey Shifflet m. Susannah Estell 1811 KY
- Isaac Shiplett m. Susan Jordan 1836
- Jacob Shiplett and Mary "Polly" Self Jarrell bef.1830
- James W. Shiflett m. Elizabeth J. Walker c. 1859 GA
- James W. Shiflet Sr. m. Anna Unknown bef. 1833 GA
- John Shiflet m. Ann Hicks 1798
- John Shiflet m. Frances Martin 1813
- John Shiflett m. Joice Powell bef. 1761
- John Shiflett m. Elizabeth Campbell 1810
- John Shiftlet d. 1799 m. Unknown d. 1792
- Lewis Shiflet m. Elizabeth Powell 1838 GA
- Lycinnius H. Sheplett m. Emily J. Bruce 1867
- Lucy Shiflet m. John Frazier 1811
- Mary Angeline (Mageline) Shiflett m. Richard B. Shiflett 1873
- Micajah Shifflett m. Candace Unknown c. 1795
- Murry E. Shiflett m. Icy Snow 1813
- Nathaniel Shiflett m. Betsy Proctor 1812
- Nancy Shiflett late 1800's
- Overton Shiflett m. Sarah A. Herring 1809
- Picket Shiflet m. Lucretia Powell 1795
- Powell Shiflet m. Catherine McMullen 1797
- Richard Shiflet m. Mary Unknown 1760
- Richard Shiflett m. Nancy Morris 1818
- Rowland Shiplett m. Elizabeth Franklin 1830 OH
- Rufus P. Shiflet m. Rebecca Beazly 1879
- Salina Shiflett m. Louden Bruce 1837
- Sampson Shifflett m. Amy Gear 1849
- Sarah Shiflet m. Mordecai Brown 1824
- Simeon C. Shiflett m. Sarah Ann Pritchett 1850 GA
- Sinclair Shifflett m. Mary Elizabeth "Betsey" Self 1816
- Smith Shifflet m. Sarah Shiflett 1838
- Sophia Shiflett m. Lively Keaton 1838
- Sparks Shiflet m. Ellen J. Austin 1904 PA
- Stephen Shifflett m. 1) unk. bef. 1798; m. 2) Joanna McDaniel 1816
- Stephen Shifflett m. Rachel Hicks 1795
- Thomas and Patience Shiflet bef.1760
- Thomas Shifflet m. Elizabeth Lamb 1790
- Thomas Shifflet m. Anna Hardin 1830 KY
- Unknown and Darcos (Darkey) Unknown Shiflett bef. 1792
- Washington Shiflett m. Mary Morris 1830
- William Nimrod Shiflett m. Frances Matilda Shiflett Knight 1878
- William Hiden Shifflett m. Eliza Ann Roberts 1860
- William Shifflett m. Frances Jane Roach 1820
- William (Raz) Shifflett and Fluanna Morris
- Zenophen Shiflette m. Lucy J. Berry 1880
- Related Families: Documents and Charts
- George Airy Sr. b.c. 1789 m. 1808 Elizabeth Shiflet
- Mordecai Brown m. 1824 Sarah Shiflet
- Louden Bruce Family submitted by Clyde F.
Conner, Sr.
- Thomas Coleman Family submitted by Carrington Coleman, Kirk Sheap, Eugene Powell & Jeanette Pryor
- William T. Coleman b. 1832 m. 1854 Diannah Shiflett
- Davis Documents
- Descendants of James Dean 1797-1862 submitted by Ellen Kyger
- John Frazier b.c. 1770 m. 1811 Lucy Shiflet
- Furnish Family of Augusta & Orange
submitted by Fred Westcott
- Austin Garrison Family submitted by Margaret Stavitski
- George Gentry Family submitted by John W. Reed
- Graves Family submitted by Ken Graves
- Haselrig/Hazelrigg Family submitted
by Bernard L. M. Embree
- Herrin Family Documents submitted by Mary Herring
- Lively Keaton b. 1815 m. 1838 Sophia Shiflet
- Henry Linkous b. 1744 m.c. 1779 Elizabeth Shefflet
- Pickett Family
- Pickett Family Chart submitted by Eugene
- Pickett Family Documents submitted by Carrington
- Pickett and Powell Land Transactions
- John and Ann Powell of Culpeper County
- Powell Family Documents submitted by Chester
- Powell Family Chart submitted by Eugene
- Pickett and Powell Family Land Transactions
- (Yet Another) Disputed Election: Orange County, 1741
- Calus Roach b. 1790 m. bef. 1820 Elizabeth Shiflett
- Self Family submitted by Curt Hammond
- Snow Family
- Timeline and Land Records
- Vital Records
- Richard Snow: Will, Chancery Suit, Family Chart
- (Yet Another) Disputed Election: Orange County, 1741
- Mark Stowers: Disposition of his 1763 Land Grant and Picket Shiflett of GA
- Ira Howard Via b. 1820 m. 1872 Amanda Jane Shiflett
- Of Historical and Human Interest
- Historical Interest
- Old White Men Now Living in Albemarle County
Submitted by Mary Herring
- Excerpts from The Olive Branch by Tom Frazier
(1840-1918) Four Years of my Life During the War Between the States
Submitted by Norm Addington
- Diary of Thomas Ephiram Shifflet of KY
and IL. 1910-1919. Submitted by Cheri Salz.
- Letters of Hillory Shifflett written 1861 - 1863 submitted by Kate Forster (see individual listing under Civil War, below)
- Points of Fact
- Banns, Bonds, and Surety: submitted by Julia Crosswell
- County Formations: submitted by Julia Crosswell
- Devise, devisee, devisor, etc.
- Law of Primogeniture: submitted by Kate Forster
- St. Thomas's Parish: submitted by Mary Herring
- The Shiflets: Who Are They and Where Did They Come
From? submitted by Catherine Shiflett
- Siflets and other spelling variations found in
the IGI
- A Lost Marriage: Winston Shiflet and Mary Hatton
1813 submitted by Julia Crosswell
- Excerpts concerning the early 1800's time period
from Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose.
- Human Interest
- A Visit to Frazier Mountain submitted by
Kevin Frazier
- High Top Copper Mine Explosion 1905 submitted
by Larry Shifflett
- Patsy Cline submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Mission Home, Route 601 by Kay Collins Chretien,
submitted by Norm Addington
- The Mountain People 1984 submitted
by Vicky Hensley, with additions from Karan Raines Callaway
- St. Stephen's Mission, Yancey Mills
- "The Shifletts Gone" 1857 submitted
by Kim Morris
- They say we've got Indian blood. . .
- Shenandoah
- The Herring Letters submitted by Laban
- Parks Creation Changed Lives, 1997 submitted
by Laban West
- Excerpts and plat from Rockingham Condemnation
Proceedings submitted by Cathy Phillips
- Information on Known cemeteries within Shenandoah
NP submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Shenandoah Park Cemeteries submitted
by Kim Morris
- What the State Paid Greene County Residents:
Acres and Dollars, 1993 submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Their Culture, Our Heritage
- The Bear Hunt submitted by June Mitchell
- From White Hall to Bacon Hollow: The George Foss Collection
- 1956 Albemarle County Home Demonstration Cookbook submitted by Julia Crosswell
- Life in Shiflet's Hollow pub.
1899 by Thomas Longstreet Wood; submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Tales From Bacon Hollow submitted by Shelly
- Valley Life submitted by Ellen Kyger.
Permission for use given by author, Billie Joe Monger, 6 Feb. 1999
- Primary Sources: General
- Excerpts from 2 pages of the 1815 Virginia Landowners Directory for Albemarle County submitted by Tom Lewis.
- 1920 Federal Census: Blackwell Precinct submitted by Julia Crosswell
- Original Albemarle Co. Patents by Location submitted by Julia Crosswell
- Catterton's Store in Orange Co. 1810/18 list of shoppers
- Maps
- Early Shiflet Locations
- Kidd's Creek site of first Shiflet land
- Details of Albemarle Co., from the Hotchkiss Map
of 1866
- Plat of land deed to Lewis Shiflet by heirs
- Map of Buck Mountain region.
- Place Names submitted by Kim Morris & Larry Shifflett (Frazier Mountain, Shiflet Hollow, etc.)
- Extracts from The Plecker Bulletin used with permission from the Melungeon Home Page (need new site address)
- Shiflets buried at U.S. Veterans Cemeteries submitted by Bob Klein
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family - VA & WV
- Shiflet Timeline - short summaries of all early records found to date
- 1683 - 1774
- 1775 - 1789
- 1790 - 1795
- 1796 - 1800
- Early Shiflet Project Password Protected - if you have submitted info for this project, please e-mail me for an ID and password.
- Bible Records
- KY: Hasten Tussey and Susan Estill Shifflett Bible
- KY/IL: Excerpt from the Thomas E. Shifflet Diary, 1909
- VA: The Winston Shifflett New Testament Reader
- VA: John T. and Barbara C. Obaugh Shiplet Bible
- WV: John Calvin and Emma Jane Cotter Shiflett Bible
- Vital Records
- Albemarle Co. Death Records submitted
by Julia Crosswell
- Augusta Co. Death Records from Vol. I and II Death Records
submitted by Tom Lewis.
- Death Records from mixed counties submitted
by Larry Shifflett and Barbara Hensley
- Berkeley Co. (WV) Death Records submitted
by Anna Gray
- Orange Co. Funeral Records submitted by Marie Snow
- Rockingham Co. Deaths 1870 - 1894 submitted
by Cathy Phillips and Julia Crosswell (includes related families)
- Greene County Records submitted by
Vicky Hensley
- More Greene Co. Births for Shifflett and Morris
- Randolph Co. (WV) Births submitted
by Kevin Williams
- Rockingham Co. Births 1853-1856 (includes
related families)
- Rockingham Co. Births 1894-1896 (includes related
- Marriages
- States Other Than VA
- Georgia: Elbert Co.
- Illinois: various counties
- Iowa: Muscatine Co.
- Kentucky: Madison Co., unknown KY counties
- Maryland: Howard Co.
- Missouri: DeKalb, Howard, Linn Counties
- Ohio: Allen, Shelby, various Counties
- Tennessee: Meigs County
- West Virginia: Berkeley, Gilmer, Randolph, Ritchie counties
- Virginia
- Albemarle County
- Orange and Greene Counties
- Augusta, Berkeley, Fluvanna, Louisa, and Madison, Counties
- Harper's Ferry Bridge, Page, Rockbridge, Rockingham and Shenandoah Counties
- John Gibson's Greene Co., VA marriage returns of 1840/41 submitted by Larry Shifflett.
- Master list of Wills, Estates and Chancery
- Analysis & scan of 1791 Will of John Shiftlett Sr. submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Wills before 1870
- Wills 1870 and later
- Chancery Causes
- 1833 Sukey Shiflet etc. vs. Bartlett Davis
etc. submitted by Wendy Mathias
- 1860: Turner Shiflett in his own right and as administrator with the will annexed of John Shiflett dec'd., and Parrott H. Elliott Plaintiffs vs. James Shiflett, John Shiflett & Vina Shiflett & others. Extract submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Index to Obituaries & Death Notices found on the Shiflet website
- Cemeteries VA/WV
- Bacon Hollow Cemetery, Greene
- Brown's Cove Cemetery, Albemarle
- Buck Mountain Episcopal Church, Earlysville
- Chestnut Grove Cemetery, Albemarle
- Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Albemarle
- Evergreen Cemetery, Rockingham
- Free Union Baptist Church, Albemarle
- Free Union Cemetery, Albemarle
- Gentry Methodist Church, Albemarle
- Hensley/Shifflett/Powell Cemetery, Shenandoah Park
- Hightop Free Pentecostal Church, Greene
- Hillsboro Baptist Church, Albemarle
- Holly Memorial Gardens, Charlottesville
- Innisfree Village, Albemarle
- Ivy Creek Methodist Church, Albemarle
- Mitchell-Davis Cemetery, Greene
- Monticello Memorial Park, Charlottesville
- Mt. Moriah Methodist Church, White Hall
- Oakwood Cemetery, Charlottesville
- Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond
- Old Buck Mountain Church, Albemarle
- Old Buck Mountain Church, Cemetery across the road, Albemarle
- Old City Cemetery, Lynchburg
- Piney Ridge Church of the Brethren, Albemarle
- Prize Hill Cemetery, Albemarle
- Riverview Cemetery, Charlottesville
- Rockgate Cemetery, Crozet
- St. John the Baptist Episcopal of Ivy, VA
- Shifflett Cemetery, Rockingham
- Shifflett's Cemetery, Lynnwood
- Shifflett-Lam Cemetery, Greene
- Slayton Shifflett Cemetery, Greene
- Thomas and Patience Shiflett Cemetery, Albemarle
- Tomahawk Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Hedgesville, Berkeley Co., WV
- Wesley Chapel, Albemarle
- Wild Rose Cemetery, Albemarle
- Woodson Cemetery, Greene
- Shenandoah Park Cemeteries submitted by Kim Morris
- Information on Known cemeteries within Shenandoah NP submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Taxes and Order Books
- *Tax Table showing tithe and land tax lists from
Albemarle and Orange from 1725 - 1837
- *Tax Table showing tithe and land tax
lists from Albemarle and Orange from 1837 - 1880
- 1779 Albemarle Co., VA Quit Rents
- Albemarle Co., VA, Court Order Book
submitted by Chester Johnson
- Albemarle Co., VA, Guardian Bonds
submitted by Tom Lewis
- Albemarle Co., VA, Road Orders submitted
by Chester Johnson, Wendy Mathias and Margaret Stavitski
- Albemarle Co., Overseers of the Poor book 1786 -
1807 submitted by Chester Johnson
- Augusta Co., VA, Court Order Book submitted
by Chester Johnson
- Augusta Co., VA Personal Property Tax
submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Greene Co. 1902/3 Poll Tax, (partial)
S surnames submitted by Julia Crosswell
- Greene County Court Records and accompanying
notes submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Shifletts in the 1782-1799 Orange Co. Personal
Property Tax List submitted by Chester Johnson
- Excerpt from Orange County Road Orders
- Rockingham Co., VA, Court Orders submitted
by Larry Shifflett
- Census Records
- Shifletts in the 1790 Census submitted by Harry
W. Shifflett
- 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840 Albemarle Census
- Excerpts from the 1850 Albemarle Co.
- Excerpts from the 1900 Albemarle Co. Census submitted by Eugene Powell
- 1920 Federal Census: Albemarle Co., Blackwell
Precinct submitted by Julia Crosswell
- 1920 Federal Census: Albemarle Co., Free Union Precinct submitted by Julia Crosswell (excerpts)
- 1920 Federal Census: Albemarle Co., Crozet Precinct submitted by Julia Crosswell (excerpts)
- 1820, 1830 Orange Census
- 1840 Greene Co. Census (bottom of Orange
Co. page)
- Excerpts from the 1850 Greene Co. Census
- A few families from the 1870 Greene Co.
- 1880 Greene Co. Census Monroe District,
part 1 submitted by Sarah Fezio
- 1880 Greene Co. Census Monroe District,
part 2 submitted by Sarah Fezio
- Excepts: 1810, 1820, 1830 & 1840 Rockingham Co.
- Excerpts from the 1850 Rockingham Co. Census
submitted by Tom Lewis
- Excerpts from the 1850 Rockingham Co. Census
submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Excerpts from the 1870 Rockingham Co. Census - Elk Run Township
- Excerpts from the 1870 Rockingham Co. Census - Ashby, Central, Franklin and Port Republic Townships.
- Excerpts from the 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, & 1850 Augusta
Co. Census
- Excerpts from the 1860 Augusta Co.
- Excerpts from the 1840, 1850 Greenbrier Co. Census
- Excerpts from the 1850 Shenandoah Co. Census
- Deeds
- Shiflet Deeds
- Master List
- Part One 1760 - 1799
- Part Two 1800 - 1822
- Part Three 1825 - 1830
- Part Four 1831 - 1839
- Part Five 1841 - 1843
- Part Six 1844 - 1868
- Part Seven 1871 - 1902
- Land Deeds of William Shifflett of Augusta County submitted by Tom Lewis
- Part One: 1837 - 1850
- Part Two:1850 - 1900
- Miscellaneous Records and Notes
- Albemarle/Buck Mountain/Chestnut Grove Baptist
Church Records submitted by Julia Crosswell
- 1914 Harrisonburg Letters to Santa
- Christmas in Brown's Cove by George Foss
- Albemarle County Notes submitted by Vicky Hensley
- Greene County Newspaper articles submitted
by Larry Shifflett
- Greene Co. Newspaper Articles: Those Hot Blooded Shiffletts
submitted by Vicky Hensley and updated by Gina Gibson
- Rockingham Co. Newspaper articles
by various submitters
- Notes from The Descendants of Francis Meadows
of Orange & Rockingham Co., Va. by Shirley Seal Breeden submitted by Vicky
- (Yet Another) Disputed Election: Orange County,
- Store Registers:
- Catterton's Store 1810/18
- Acct. of John Shiflet at Jesse Garth's Albemarle Store in 1823
- Compilations on Individual Shiflets from VA
- John Shiflett Jr. with land plat of Shiflett
heirs submitted by Chester Johnson
- John Shiflett Sr. submitted by Chester
- Bureau of Land Management Records
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family - California
- California death records submitted by Talmadge Shifflett
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family - Georgia
- Deed Record Abstracts submitted by Chester Johnson
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family - Iowa
- Iowa Cemeteries
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family - Illinois
- Diary of Thomas Ephiram Shifflet of KY
and IL, 1916-1918, submitted by Cheri Salz
- Thomas and Anna Hardin Shifflet Bible; transcript found in Thomas Ephiram Shifflet's diary, submitted by Cheri Salz
- Illinois Cemeteries submitted by Cheri Salz
- Atlanta Cemetery, Logan Co., IL
- McClean Cemetery, McLean Co., IL
- Park Hill Cemetery, McLean Co., IL
- Waynesville Cemetery, DeWitt Co., IL
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family - Kentucky
- Photo of the Shifflet cabin now located in
Berea, Madison Co., KY submitted by Norman & Mary Franklin
- 1810 thru 1860 Madison Co., KY Census
submitted by Cheri Salz
- KY Death Index 1911-1986
- Hasten Tussey Shifflet Bible submitted
by Elizabeth Shifflette Hanna
- Excerpt Thomas E. Shifflet Diary,
1909, listing some of the children of Thomas and Patience Shiflett
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family - Missouri
- Missouri Census Records with map
- Missouri Land Grants
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family -- North Carolina
- N. Carolina death records
- Primary Sources: Shiflett Family - North Dakota
- 1900 ND census excerpt
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family - Ohio
- Nathaniel & Solomon Shiflet submitted by Ray Fannin
- Map showing Shifflet locations
- Census Records submitted by Ray Fannin, Kate
Forster, & Larry Shifflett
- Ohio Ohio Deeds and Grants submitted
by Ray Fannin.
- Ohio Vital Records submitted by
Ray Fannin
- Miami Valley Area Records submitted by Julia Crosswell
- Primary Sources: Shiflet Family - Tennessee
- Shifflets in Tennessee submitted by Julia Crosswell
- War
- French and Indian War
- Andrew Lewis's Company
- Charles Lewis's Company
- Revolutionary War
- Pension Applications
- Blan Shiflett
- John Shiflett
- Thomas Shiflett
- Related Families
- John Davis
- William Davis
- William Fisher
- James Haney
- James Meadows submitted by Eugene Powell
- Absalom Roach
- William Wyatt
- War of 1812
- Virginia Rosters
- Additional Rosters-All States
- Payrolls and Muster Rolls from LVA
- Pay Roll and Muster Roll of Solomon Shiflett submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Pension Applications
- Charlotte Shifflett, widow of Micajah Shifflett submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Eliza Via Shiflet, widow of John Shiflet submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Milly Shifflet, widow of Winston Shifflet submitted by Larry Shifflett
- Congressional Report on Nathaniel Shiflett's pension submitted by Julia Crosswell
- Pollie Shiflett, widow of Bennet Shiflet submitted by Larry Shifflett
- The Civil War
- Index to all men listed in the Civil War Section
- Shifletts Who Fought from AL, GA, MS and TX
- Shifletts Who Fought from AR, MD, MO, SC and TN
- Shifletts Who Fought from IA, IL, OH, and PA
- Shifletts Who Fought from Kentucky submitted by Cheri Salz.
- Virginia Confederate Companies
- 5th Virginia Regular Infantry
- 33rd and 52nd Virginia Regular Infantry
- 35th Virginia Battalion Cavalry, Co. F
- "Border Guards" Co. D, 46th Virginia Regular Infantry
- Other Companies
- Rockingham County Virginia Men Who Fought
- VA Pensions and Applications from LVA
- Index of Pension TX Applications
- Union Civil War Union Pension Applications
- Hillory Shifflett of the 1st Ohio: Letters Home
- Four Years in my Life During the War Between the States,
excerpts from The Olive Branch
- William N. Shiflett Service Record
- Solomon Shifflet Service Record
- Shifletts buried at Elmira, N.Y
- References
- Powell Family Sources
- Shiflet Family Books
- Additions and corrections to the book, Shiflet
1700 - 1900
This page is part of the Shiflet Family Genealogy Website and is maintained by:
Julia Crosswell / Fort Worth, TX / 1998 - 2006
Robert Klein / Pasadena, MD / 2008 - present